Statistics atlas stopped

Arrêt de l'atlas statistique

The project of statistical atlas on the countries of the world of our website has been stopped. Indeed, it has become difficult to follow the updates, both for the site and for the data to be retrieved.

We have not been able to make all the updates, because the implementation requires a lot of work and time. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. At the end of this page you will find several intermediate solutions to find the answer to your search.

For several years the statistical atlas has been useful to many of you. It may have helped you find data or retrieve graphs. Since updates cannot be put in place, there is a risk that wrong information will come to you in the future (especially with the next changes that will take place).

This is obviously not the purpose of the statistical atlas. We preferred to stop the project in order to avoid errors in the data.

Other solutions at the end of this page

Indeed, the update of the different statistical data requires a significant and difficult preparation time.

Nevertheless, we do not want to leave you without a solution when you are looking for data. If below, we propose you some quality websites to find information.

Indeed, they are international organizations, most of the data was imported from them.

With these websites, you will get the last updated data to be able to consult reliable information. You just have to click on the website you want to use in the list below.

The World Bank :
CIA Factbook :
International Monetary Fund :
Comtrade :
Eurostat :

Thank you for discovering our statistics atlas, we hope it was useful to you and we wish you the best for the future.

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